I'm messing around w/ Office Dialog for Add-Ins in JS. I've got it so far where I can open a dialog, capture input to console, run a function from a button and close the dialog box, but I can't seem to get my function to interact with Excel. It's lost context
I beleive, I tried using this and I get no errors, but it doesn't work --> var context = new Excel.RequestContext()
Here is my open function and my main function and the end function.
export async function helloworld(event) {
try {
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
//Start Func
console.log("BEFORE OPEN UI");
openDialog("/yo/dist/dialog.html", 30, 20);
console.log("AFTER OPEN UI");
await context.sync()
.then(function () {
console.log("AFTER SYNC UI");
var ws = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var range = ws.getRange("A1:D5");
//End Func
await context.sync();
} catch (error) {
function openDialog(RelURLStr, H, W) {
Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync(window.location.origin + RelURLStr,
{ height: H, width: W }, dialogCallback);
run func //this gets ran, but nothing output to worksheet and no errors.
function dobuttonrun(event) {
var context = new Excel.RequestContext()
var ws = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var fakedatarng = ws.getRange("A1");
fakedatarng.values = "TEST";
return context.sync();
function getGlobal() {
return typeof self !== "undefined"
? self
: typeof window !== "undefined"
? window
: typeof global !== "undefined"
? global
: undefined;
const g = getGlobal();
// The add-in command functions need to be available in global scope
g.dobuttonrun = dobuttonrun;
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