Have an If-Statement but no 'else' after 'if'. Is the 'else' part necessary? i don't want to change the program (which is supposed to randomise 3 die 50 times and count how many matches there were) unless I need to. Mainly focused on 'else' after if statement
#Program 2#
#create a Yatzhee dice program#
import random
print("Yatzhee dice program")
print("Welcome to the Yatzhee Dice Program")
print("In this program the dice will get rolled 50 times and at the end we tell you how many matches you got.")
# before loop #
rolls = 50
total_matches = 0
# --- loop ---
for i in range(rolls): #randomise 50 times#
die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
die2 = random.randint(1, 6)#chooses a number from 1 to 6#
die3 = random.randint(1, 6)
print(die1, "|", die2, "|", die3)
if die1 == die2 == die3:#If all three are the same.#
print("****MATCH*****")#If statement inside for-loop so it adds up how many matches there were#
total_matches += 1 #increases no. of matches by 1 each time there is a match#
#after loop#
print("The total number of matches was:", total_matches)#tells user how many matches there were#
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70908781/unsure-how-to-add-else-after-my-existing-if-statement-without-changing-program
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