I'm trying to automate a clicker via JavaScript on Poshmark that clicks the "Share" button, then will follow up with a Modal click that directs where it will be shared to. I have the first step working just fine, which is set up as follows:
Editing the HTML to add an ID to this destination via Inspect:
//<div data-et-prop-unit_position="0" data-et-prop-listing_id="61f18166e107bb31e89df428" data-et-prop-lister_id="5bfc8b3f1bc870975273b78f" data-et-prop-location="listing_details" data-et-on-name="listing_details" data-et-name="share" data-et-element-type="button" ***id="shareButton"*** class="d--fl ai--c social-action-bar__action social-action-bar__share btn btn--tertiary btn--icon btn--small"><i class="icon share-gray-large btn__icon"></i><span>Share</span></div>
Then I run this from the console:
var shareButton = document.getElementById("shareButton");
This part works just fine, however this only opens the modal of the share location, which is:
<a data-et-name="share_poshmark" ***id= "shareDestination"*** class="internal-share__link"><div class="share-wrapper-container"><div class="share-wrapper__icon-container"><i class="icon pm-logo-white"></i></div><span class="share-wrapper__share-title caption">To My Followers</span></div></a>
I've added another ID before the class in this one. However, when I run this block of code it always gives me an error.
var shareDestination = document.getElementById("shareDestination");
However, if I run this separately, it clicks on the share destination -once- then never again and doesn't loop the way the initial block of code does.
If I use them both, it just gives me errors.
Could anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here? I am new to this, and appreciate it in advance.
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