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SVG dynamic positioning and dimensions

I have a web app that renders svg elements from cartesian points (lines, paths, etc) that come from a database.

I have a requirement that an end user can upload an svg file (icons) and drag the icon to fit within specific bounds of the points already defined and rendered in the app.

For example (see snippet), a user can upload the 'x' icon and drag it near the green line defined by two points, which should result in the icon being snapped and resized to the line - the upper left corner snapped to the line start point, and the width of the icon extending to the line end point. Same is true for the file icon being snapped to the red line. This is done dynamically during drag with js. I have omitted the js from the snippet to keep things simple, as I am confident that the answer lies with svg attributes and or style that I can set with js, but the svg properties/values are what I cannot pin down.

What I have tried - everything, I think. Given that I am nesting svg elements, I took the BBox values as an offset to used the x and y attributes on the icon svg element, and that moved it, but not to the start point. I also tried translate without success. I am able to move and resize, but not to the coordinates I need. I do not want to change the icon svg at all if possible, so i'd prefer to leave its viewBox as-is.

<svg height="700" width="700" fill="#e6e6e6" xmlns="">

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512">
  <path d="M443.6,387.1L312.4,255.4l131.5-130c5.4-5.4,5.4-14.2,0-19.6l-37.4-37.6c-2.6-2.6-6.1-4-9.8-4c-3.7,0-7.2,1.5-9.8,4  L256,197.8L124.9,68.3c-2.6-2.6-6.1-4-9.8-4c-3.7,0-7.2,1.5-9.8,4L68,105.9c-5.4,5.4-5.4,14.2,0,19.6l131.5,130L68.4,387.1  c-2.6,2.6-4.1,6.1-4.1,9.8c0,3.7,1.4,7.2,4.1,9.8l37.4,37.6c2.7,2.7,6.2,4.1,9.8,4.1c3.5,0,7.1-1.3,9.8-4.1L256,313.1l130.7,131.1  c2.7,2.7,6.2,4.1,9.8,4.1c3.5,0,7.1-1.3,9.8-4.1l37.4-37.6c2.6-2.6,4.1-6.1,4.1-9.8C447.7,393.2,446.2,389.7,443.6,387.1z"/>

<svg viewBox="0 0 380 511.7">
  <path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M26.18 0h221.14c3.1 0 5.85 1.51 7.56 3.84l122.88 145.08a9.27 9.27 0 0 1 2.21 6.05l.03 330.55c0 7.13-2.98 13.68-7.72 18.42l-.03.04c-4.75 4.74-11.29 7.72-18.43 7.72H26.18c-7.13 0-13.69-2.96-18.45-7.71l-.03-.04C2.97 499.22 0 492.69 0 485.52V26.18C0 19 2.95 12.46 7.68 7.72l.04-.04C12.46 2.95 19 0 26.18 0zm335.06 164.7c-134.78-5.58-134.35-17.38-129.82-134.02l.45-11.92H26.18c-2.05 0-3.91.83-5.26 2.16a7.482 7.482 0 0 0-2.16 5.26v459.34c0 2.02.84 3.88 2.18 5.23 1.36 1.35 3.22 2.19 5.24 2.19h327.64c2.01 0 3.86-.85 5.22-2.2 1.35-1.36 2.2-3.21 2.2-5.22V164.7zM250.25 27.32l-.15 4.01c-3.73 96.04-4.22 109.01 100.23 114.16L250.25 27.32z"/>

<line x1="100" y1="20" x2="200" y2="20" stroke="green" />
<line x1="300" y1="20" x2="350" y2="20" stroke="red" />

strong text

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