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enable the track in the player through the playlist

I want to add a small player to my site to listen to music. I found a beautiful example that I liked and want to change and finish it a little.

There's a button down here, it opens the playlist.

And I want that when I click on any track from the playlist, it will play in the player.

I manually added the tracks to the playlist, gave them the same ID and different values:

<div id="track" value="0" class="trackName">qwe asd — bensound summer</div>
<div id="track" value="1" class="trackName">zxc — bensound anewbeginning</div>

Next, I try to get all these IDs with values:

var track = document.getElementById("track").getAttribute("value");

And now somehow make it so that when I click on one of the tracks, the currentSong variable is set to the value of the selected track.

But it doesn't work for me, my variable var track always has the first value, i.e. 0.

What am I doing wrong or is there any other way to do it?

PS. The snippet needs to be opened on full page.

var song = new Audio;
var isStopped = true;
var currentSong = 0;
var playlist = [];
var playlistVisible = false;

function skip(to) {
    if (to == 'prev') {
        currentSong = (--currentSong)%playlist.length;
        if (currentSong < 0) {
            currentSong += playlist.length;
    else if (to == 'next') {
        currentSong = (++currentSong)%playlist.length;

function playpause() {
  if (!song.paused) {
  else if (playlist.length == 0){
    else {
      if (isStopped) {
            song.src = playlist[currentSong];
        songFile = playlist[currentSong].split("/");
        songName = document.getElementById("songName");
        songName.innerHTML = songFile[songFile.length - 1].split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.');
        isStopped = false;

function stop() {
    song.currentTime = 0;
    document.getElementById("seek").value = 0;
    isStopped = true;
    document.getElementById("songName").innerHTML = "playing track..";

function setPos(pos) {
    song.currentTime = pos;

function mute() {
    if (song.muted) {
        song.muted = false;
        document.getElementById('mute').className = "fa fa-volume-up";
    else {
        song.muted = true;
        document.getElementById('mute').className = "fa fa-volume-off";

function setVolume(volume) {
    song.volume = volume;

function togglePlaylist() {
    if (playlistVisible) {
        document.getElementById('playlist').className = "hide";
        playlistVisible = false;
    else {
        document.getElementById('playlist').className = "";
        playlistVisible = true;

function addList() {
    sourceUrl = document.getElementById('sourceUrl').value;
    sourceUrl.split(",").forEach((file) => {
        fileUrl = file.trim();
        if (fileUrl != "" && playlist.indexOf(fileUrl) == -1) {
            parent = document.getElementById('list');
            listItem = document.createElement('div');

            wrapper = document.createElement('div');


  document.getElementById('sourceUrl').value = '';

function removeList(item) {
    index = playlist.indexOf(item.parentElement.firstChild.innerText);
    if (index != -1){

song.addEventListener('error', function(){
    document.getElementById("songName").innerHTML = "error loading audio";

song.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
    curtime = parseInt(song.currentTime,10);
    document.getElementById('seek').max = song.duration;
    document.getElementById('seek').value = curtime;

song.addEventListener("ended", function() {
    song.currentTime = 0;
    document.getElementById('seek').value = 0;
    if ((currentSong + 1) >= playlist.length) {
        currentSong = 0;    
    else {
    song.src = playlist[currentSong];

var input = document.getElementById("sourceUrl");
input.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {

// This area of code is only for preview purposes only

document.getElementById('sourceUrl').value = ["",

// Code for preview ends here
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<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div class="container">
  <div id="glow" class="glow disable-animation">
    <div id="player">
      <span class="text">Player</span>
      <span id="songName" class="text">playing track..</span>
      <div class="playback_controls">
        <button onclick="skip('prev')">
          <i class="fa fa-fast-backward"></i>
        <button onclick="playpause()">
          <i class="fa fa-play"></i><i class="fa fa-pause"></i>
        <button onclick="stop()">
          <i class="fa fa-stop"></i>
        <button onclick="skip('next')">
          <i class="fa fa-fast-forward"></i>
      <div id="seekbar">
        <input type="range" oninput="setPos(this.value)" id="seek" value="0" max="">
      <div class="volume_controls">
        <button onclick="mute()">
          <i id="mute" class="fa fa-volume-up"></i>
        <input type="range" id="volume" oninput="setVolume(this.value)" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="1">

    <div class="playlist-btn">
      <button onclick="togglePlaylist()">
        <i id="playlist-btn" class="fa fa-list"></i>


<div id="playlist" class="hide">
    <span class="text">Playlist</span>
    <div class="list-container">

      <div id="list" class="scrollbar">
        <div id="track" value="0" class="trackName">qwe asd — bensound summer</div>
        <div id="track" value="1" class="trackName">zxc — bensound anewbeginning</div>

      <div class="add-list" style="display: none">
        <input id="sourceUrl" type="text" placeholder="enter audio url" />
        <button onclick="addList()">+</button>

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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