I am trying to iterate through a data frame that has these columns as the names. Is this correct? For context, The lists above are the column names, and the newel_var is the new columns I am creating as a result. This is what I Have
#Difference between home and away variabls to also help visualize and create
#curvefit lines #must create columns in data frame that include these
##lists holding the column names for each column based on home or away
home_var = [ "PTS_home","FG_PCT_home", 'FT_PCT_home',
'FG3_PCT_home', 'AST_home', 'REB_home', "HOME_WIN_PCT" ]
away_var = [ "PTS_away","FG_PCT_away", 'FT_PCT_away',
'FG3_PCT_away', 'AST_away', 'REB_away', "AWAY_WIN_PCT"]
newcol_var = ["PTS_dif","FG_PCT_dif", 'FT_PCT_dif',
'FG3_PCT_dif', 'AST_dif', 'REB_dif', "WIN_PCT_dif"] #new columns i will integrate into my original dataset
for i in newcol_var:
home = home_var[newcol_var.index(i)]
away = away_var[newcol_var.index(i)]
def dif(newcol, home, away):
stats_by_yr[newcol] = stats_by_yr[home]-stats_by_yr[away]
dif(i, home, away)
differences = stats_by_yr[newcol_var]
stats_by_yr["SEASON"] = range(2003,2022,1)
For reference, "stats_by_yr" is the data frame I am Using that contains the column names and observations under those names. It is a Pandas data frame. I Get the result I want that being 7 new columns containing the newcol_var and their respective values, but my code looked a bit wrong. Here is my cleaned data frame if anyone can hekp
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72020597/is-my-for-loop-that-iterates-through-a-list-of-strings-and-function-correct
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